Uncover the many splendours of Liechtenstein with Expat Explore. Nestled between Austria, Germany and Switzerland, Liechtenstein is an independent state and the sixth smallest country in the world. Travelling to Liechtenstein is as close as you’ll come to stepping foot into a real-life fairy tale. The principality's whimsical Alpine location is truly the stuff that travel dreams are made of - especially for outdoor adventurists who flock here to take advantage of the amazing array of hiking trails and challenging ski slopes. Be sure to try Liechtenstein wines – the unique terroir makes for some excellent vintages.
For a picture-perfect holiday experience, join one of Expat Explore's coach tours that include a foray into this magical country. Why not try our comprehensive 22-day Best of Europe tour or indulge in the 9-day Scenic Europe tour that ambles along the region's most breathtaking Alpine lakes and mountain vistas?